Understand the importance of life!

Neetu Gupta ( Scleroderma Warrior)

In April 2011, I got my wisdom teeth removed, and immediately after the surgery, I started getting symptoms like white spots on my face, weight loss, body ache, pain in knee, wrist and fingers and severe acidity. I went to a couple of doctors and was diagnosed with diffused Scleroderma. I then came to know that there is no cure for this chronic illness.

I kept losing weight, my facial looks started changing” I had tightness around my mouth, nose, cheeks, eyelids, forehead, neck, and shoulder. The worst affected were my hands and wrist. The winters of year 2012 were horrible. My fingers became hard and brittle, blue, and turned inside making it difficult for me to do daily chores. We were living in the U.S. and moved from one area to another to meet several rheumatologists, but no improvement.

Fortunately, we read about a retired doctor from AIIMS who is currently practicing in Delhi. Its has been 20 months and I have got my life back. My skin has loosened on face, neck, wrist, fingers; joint pain has reduced, skin color has improved. I still suffer from diarrhea, hair loss, dizziness and other problems” as we know, all medicines have side effects.

In the past 5 years, I have seen lot of health issues, but I have gained wisdom. My outlook towards life has changed. I understand the importance of life, live in the present and have more empathy for the people suffering from diseases. I keep myself active all day long, do walk for half hour, avoid eating outside, take healthy diet, take good sleep, avoid eating late at night, do stretching of hands, fingers, legs and body, dance with my kids, work with my husband in our IT company and most importantly laugh with my family members.

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