What does not break you, makes you Stronger in Life.
Scleroderma India was conceptualized with a vision of getting patients of this rare condition under one roof for the better understanding and management of this disease. We became a registered NGO in 2020. Till date detection of this disease is very difficult and time consuming and even after detection what treatment to follow or which doctor to consult are pressing questions. Though as a foundation we do not prescribe medicines we point the patients in the right direction. We as a foundation try to support patients mentally and try giving them skills to make them financially independent.

Scleroderma is a very expensive disease and is generally gender bias I.e. it mainly affects females in their child bearing age. We try to support patients who are financially unable to do so. We try to build an atmosphere where the patients know that they don’t have to fight this all alone through our support group. We try to spread awareness through our webinars with the experts and spread more awareness through our social media platform. In future We want to fight for the rights of the patients, help them with Mediclaim, equal medical rights treatment for all ,cheaper drugs and tests. We in future want to build a physical base for the patients where we can have nutrition , physiotherapy, mental consult all under one roof. We want to to provide the with all information under one roof.
Our aim is to empower patients so that early detection of the disease becomes a norm. it’s alongside self management support, enables an improvement in the quality of life in contrast to the current scenario where lack of awareness leads to a diagnosis which takes years and by then patient is already in a condition where the condition has affected the body badly.