“God gives his hardest battles to his toughest soldiers.”

Neha Patel (scleroderma Warrior)

I was doing my MSc (Organic Chemistry) in the Year 2011, then I started showing symptoms – My body-color became dark, skin became shiny and I started losing weight. My Family doctor termed it as Anemia. I was given Vitamin B12 Injections and Protein Powder as the remedial measure against anemia. The symptoms subsided for a while, but later they appeared again. Around the same time, I was diagnosed with Dengue. I started treatment for that and felt a little better as far as my symptoms were concerned.

A while later, I started complaining of my symptoms again, I would get tired easily, and joint pains in my fingers started. We showed to a Dermatologist and Rheumatologist who did some tests and started medicines, but to little effect. Around the same time, There was also talk of marriage. But due to my weight loss and due to the black body no one liked it, Then my family decided to treat me first and think about marriage later. It was a really tough time for us. The color of my hands started changing because of Raynauds. The food I ate would come out in the form of vomits as soon as I ate. We were clueless as to what was happening to me. People started giving different advice and remedies, we tried everything. I even tried Ayurvedic medicines but it did not help me. I performed a number of rituals and poojas to get rid of the problem but sadly nothing worked. I took a number of medicines even that did not help and work for me.

In 2014, my parents took me to Mumbai, after a number of tests it came to be Scleroderma and Crest syndrome. I and my family had no idea what it was. Then the doctor explained to us about the disorder and I interacted with other worriers in the hospital to understand the disease a little better. Why me? Why can not I live my life the way I want to? Why do I have to undergo so much pain and problems?

Now I see a number of issues like teeth problems, weight loss, insomnia, calcinosis in hands, the problem in walking because of joint pain, the problem in swallowing food, the problem in talking and pronouncing some words to share some of them. These are some of the reasons why I had to leave my job and sit at home doing nothing. But at the same time, I was very lucky to have a supportive family that stood beside me and great doctors who helped me recover with the help of medicines. Slowly things settled with the medication and I started feeling better.

Because of Scleroderma people have started showing pity on me at the same time their way of looking at me has changed. They ask various questions because of which I feel depressed but I have learned to ignore it all and stay optimistic. Think and see positive in everything to get positive in life.

Slim, fat, dark-skinned, short, bald no matter how you look…. if you’ll love yourself then even the world will love you.

“God gives his hardest battles to his toughest soldiers.”

Enjoy These Moment Now, Because They Don’t Last Forever.

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