Patient Stories.
Stories of Our Warriors
These are heart touching accounts of our Scleroderma Warriors, read their stories which will give you lots of strength.

I will never leave the battle!
Kavita Chaddha
(Scleroderma Warrior)
Scleroderma seems to have been in control. Hopefully, the progression of the disease has stopped. The medicines are minimum (I insist every time I go to the doctor to keep the medicines on the minimum, Nevertheless, I have to take 12 tablets daily plus 3 tea spoon of syrup and 2 puffs of inhaler twice a day and 2 drops of eye drop 4 times a day). I am a fighter. Though the opponent is much stronger than me and the weapons I have, are not good enough to kill him, I will never leave the battle.

Understand the importance of life!
Neetu Gupta
(Scleroderma Warrior)
In the past 5 years, I have seen lot of health issues, but I have gained wisdom. My outlook towards life has changed. I understand the importance of life, live in the present and have more empathy for the people suffering from diseases. I keep myself active all day long, do walk for half hour, avoid eating outside, take healthy diet, take good sleep, avoid eating late at night, do stretching of hands, fingers, legs and body, dance with my kids, work with my husband in our IT company and most importantly laugh with my family members.

Positivity and Gratitude have great power!
Lata Vaswani
(Scleroderma Warrior)
Brahamakumari teaching and my workplace (Network Marketing Business) have taught me to be positive and happy in the adverse situation also. Positivity and Gratitude have great power of self-healing. Both have given me confidence, strength, and courage, to overcome my limitations and weakness, due to which my health has improved a lot.

A miracle is born!
Nidhi Singh
(Scleroderma Warrior)
In the past 5 years, I have seen lot of health issues, but I have gained wisdom. My outlook towards life has changed. I understand the importance of life, live in the present and have more empathy for the people suffering from diseases. I keep myself active all day long, do walk for half hour, avoid eating outside, take healthy diet, take good sleep, avoid eating late at night, do stretching of hands, fingers, legs and body, dance with my kids, work with my husband in our IT company and most importantly laugh with my family members.